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"Eyes black. The colour should be that of plain (not milk) chocolate and should be rich, deep and full of life. The tan belly shall be a rich golden orange hue, as rich as possible and there should be a clear line of demarcation between top colour and tan running in a straight line along flanks, chest and jaws. There should be no brindling or guard hairs. Colour of feet should be inside tan, the remainder of foot the same as top colour. Wholly tan feet considered a greater fault than feet all same colour as top."
Breeding information below the pictures.
Chocolate tan is another beautiful variety. It suffers from the same faults as the black tan, but these aren't so visible. In fact, the chocolate coloured under hairs in the tan belly give additional depth to the belly colour. Chocolate tan to chocolate tan is the best mating, with black tan (without blue tan background) being a good outcross. Also cinnamon tan can be used occasionally. However, do note that this cross will bring also cinnamon tans in the first generation. Good out cross is red carrying cordovan dilution gene bc - this cross is beneficial for both colors.
As well as the belly colour, is the top colour an important factor to bear in mind when breeding chocolate tans. When compared to self chocolates, the chocolate tans usually have better chocolate coloring.
The common faults of the tan varieties are problematic in black tans too, as odd tan hairs in the top colour and throat spot is so visible due to the contrast between the top and the belly.